Right Rev[elation]


Conservatism mixed with a little end time theology

Global Warming Alert: All-time Low Recorded in Bavaria

The cooler weather isn’t hitting just the US.  From Germany:

Meteorologists on Tuesday morning recorded the lowest ever October temperature in Germany, as the mercury dipped to a chilly -24.3 degrees Celsius in Bavaria’s Berchtesgaden national park.

The bitter cold was measured at the Funtensee, a notoriously frosty lake high in the Bavarian Alps.

Might as well highlight it as global cooling doesn’t get near as much attention as global warming 🙂

Filed under: Media/News

Showdown: Conservative Talk Radio vs. Liberal Talk Radio

The Clinton-News-Network (CNN) opened they’re discussion on talk radio with, “They’re loud…they’re angry…talk radio is full of extreme opinions on both sides.”

I’ll just say this – if that was CNN’s attempt at being ‘fair and balanced’ – it ended there at the beginning.  Carol Costello ends the debate by calling all conservative talk radio listeners lemmings.  That’s right, tack on another name to us conservatives.  Pretty much the rest of the segment was focused how much ‘power’ the conservative talk show hosts had – in a negative context, of course.  It seems to come back to power quite often with the left…and, most often it deals with power they don’t have or power they want to have.

Can you say envious?

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Filed under: Media/News

Palin vs. Huckabee vs. Romney

A new Rasmussen poll sees Palin last among GOPers as the person most likely/desired to run for President in 2012.  The top dogs?  Romney and Huckabee, who both lead Palin as possible candidates.

[But] new Rasmussen Reports national telephone surveying finds Palin losing handily in face-to-face march-ups with her two likeliest challengers for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

I’m not sure who they’ve been contacting, but that isn’t who I’d be voting for.  Huckabee and Palin would be a hard choice for me; I’d vote for both of them before Romney.

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Filed under: Media/News

Not Evil, Just Wrong

What comes to mind when you read that headline?

Barack Hussein Obama?  Al Sharpton?  Matt Lauer?

How about Global Warming?  Bingo!

I wanted to highlight a new documentary that is being released called Not Evil, Just Wrong about the dangers of the Global Warming hysteria.  I appreciate the title as it highlights what I have to remind myself constantly: This isn’t against people, it’s against an ideology or worldview.

Liberals aren’t evil; they’re merely misguided in a couple areas.

The film holds much promise – see website for more details, release date, etc.  I myself look forward to viewing it.

Filed under: Environment, Media/News


I wish I could draw 😉



Filed under: Media/News

More and More Westerners Enlist in Al-Queda

When I read this headline, I thought to myself, “Geez, there has to be 1,000’s of people defecting to terrorism.”

I was wrong.

This article makes it sound like the newest trend is to become a terrorist; it’s as if they want to support the enemy by giving them more and more attention.  You won’t believe how many people this involves.

1,000,000,000?  No.

100,000?  Not quite.

10,000? Getting closer.

1,000?  Warmer….

100?  Almost there….

Wait for it……30!  Since January 1, 2009, 30 people have gone from Germany to Afghanistan to train with the Taliban.  Here’s a quote from the Article:

U.S. and European counter-terrorism officials say a rising number of Western recruits — including Americans — are traveling to Afghanistan and Pakistan to attend paramilitary training camps. The flow of recruits has continued unabated, officials said, in spite of an intensified campaign over the past year by the CIA to eliminate al-Qaeda and Taliban commanders in drone missile attacks.

I by no means want to minimize the significance of this reality; there are nut jobs who want to become a terrorist, who travel to Afghanistan to train, and then return home after being brain-washed by the enemy.

That is a scary picture.

However, the media once again sides with the enemy in order to manipulate others to get what they want: defeat.

German security services have been on high alert since last month, when groups affiliated with the Taliban and al-Qaeda issued several videos warning that an attack on German targets was imminent if the government did not bring home its forces from Afghanistan.

I want the troops home, too.  I’m just tired of the media berating our troops over there, deflating morale and propagandizing pacifism while instilling fear in everyone else.

And, all this over 30 people.  They’ll use whatever story they can to twist it into “We better leave or we’ll get attacked.”

As if we won’t get attacked anyway.  For those of you on the left, please google certain events that took place on 9.11.01

Notice we haven’t been attacked since then?  We would be wise to think about why that is.

Saddam Hussein is dead, Bin Laden is hiding in a hole, and we’ve had the enemy on their heels ever since.

You wouldn’t know that by watching CNN, though.

Here is big salute to the men and women in the US military who fight to keep this country safe.  We are indebted to you.  I apologize for the lack of respect our media shows you.

Filed under: Media/News

Russia Ready to Pull Nuclear Trigger on ‘Aggressors’

It’s not the weapon I worry about; it’s those behind the weapon that must be contained.  You know, the ones able to pull the trigger.

It turns out Russia is ready to fire nuclear weapons pre-emptively – meaning, they will nuke someone who appears aggressive or is a threat to them before they can even attack.

Doesn’t that just give you the warm-fuzzies?

Russia is weighing changes to its military doctrine that would allow for a “preventive” nuclear strike against its enemies — even those armed only with conventional weapons.

The news comes just as American diplomats are trying to get Russia to cut down its nuclear stockpile, and put the squeeze on Iran’s suspect nuclear program.

Here’s my question: How do they define the term, “Aggressors.”

If Russia labels a nation an aggressor as quickly as the Left in America labels someone a racist, we could be in for some serious fireworks.

As if this isn’t scary enough, Nikolai Patrushev, the secretary of the Kremlin’s security council, left-open the door to even bomb local targets within or near Russia:

What’s more, Patrushev said, Russia is revising the rules for the employment of nukes to repel conventionally armed attackers, “not only in large-scale, but also in a regional and even a local war…In critical national security situations, one should also not exclude a preventive nuclear strike against the aggressor.”

As the author puts it, “If I were in Georgia — or in any other country Russia considers part of its sphere of influence — that formulation would make me pretty anxious.”

No, kidding.

Bringing it back home, hasn’t Barack Hussein Obama held dialogues with Russia in an attempt to have them reduce their nuclear weapons?  I don’t think this was on his agenda.  He’s even having trouble coaxing Russia into Iranian sanctions (yet again).

It’s not too late to re-think that Nobel Peace Prize 😉

Filed under: Media/News, Signs of the Times

New Abortion Statistics

This is horrid.

A new study has shown that in 2003 there were approximately 41,600,000 abortions performed worldwide.  The article is attempting to spin this as good news; this figure is down from the 45.5 million performed in 1995.

If roughly 40 million babies are killed each year, then so far this decade (2000-2009), 400,000,000 have been murdered worldwide.  That’s only this decade.  I really don’t want to add up those performed in the US since 1973.  Worldwide, the article estimates that 20% of pregnancies end in abortion.

Furthermore, it appears that babies aren’t the only victims.  Each year, 70,000 mothers are killed as a result of unsafe abortions.  Yes, it seems that mothers suffer along with the children.

This is horrible news and in my opinion falls along the lines of child sacrifices performed by cult societies in the Old Testament.  Severe judgment was brought upon some nations as a result of these atrocities.

Abortion must be ended in America.  It is an atrocious, immoral crime.

Filed under: Media/News

CNN Suggests Eliminating the Hamburger. No, Really.

As if there is nothing else to report, CNN would like to discuss the possibility of eliminating the hamburger.

No wonder their ratings are plummeting.  From Michelle Malkin:

Hamburgers are an American passion. And millions of Americans consume burgers, and other forms of meat, every day without consequences.  Should Americans continue to make meat — and particularly hamburgers — part of their diet?

But ground beef contaminated with E. coli bacteria has sickened, paralyzed and even killed some people who ate it.

Several of the members of the panel assembled by CNN favored plant-only diets.  A certain one, Dr. Colin Campbell, grew up on a dairy farm:

Dr. Colin Campbell of Cornell University advocates a meat-free diet.  Campbell said he grew up on a dairy farm and for a long time held to the belief that animal protein was an essential part of a healthy diet.  He said the results of years of research changed his mind.

The conclusion of his studies: “The closer we get to consuming a whole foods, plant-based diet, the healthier we’re going to be on all accounts.”

No thanks, Dr. Campbell, you can stick to eating plants. I’ll stick to eating meat.

As Michelle puts it: The Big Nanny bureaucrats will have to pry the Sonic Bacon Cheeseburger from my cold, dead hands…

Filed under: Media/News

Save the Christina School District from A Stupid Decision

I don’t know Zachary personally…but, he sure sounds like a cool kid.  His mom can sure boast about her boy:

Zachary is six years old…He is a smart, happy, outgoing child who plays Little League Baseball, is a Cub Scout, studies martial arts, is actively involved in his church youth group, and is actively involved in school activities.

Last year he participated in the school talent show, the science fair, and the PTA “Reflections” Art Contest, for which he won first place in the State of Delaware for his film, “What Is My Job?”

Zachary reads above grade level and has very advanced math skills as well.

I love math, too.  And, camping, and martial arts, and Cub Scouts.  See, I told you he was a cool kid 🙂

So, what’s the scoop with Zach?  Well, apparently he takes martial arts too far.  No, wait, maybe it was camping.  No, it was….eating utensils?  Correct.  He’s been suspended for bring eating utensils to school.  Details:

On Tuesday, September 29th, Zachary brought his camping utensil to school to use at lunch (spoon, fork, bottle opener, and knife).  As he was getting off the bus, a teacher asked him what he was holding in his hand.  Zachary showed it to her and explained why he had brought it…to eat his lunch. The teacher gave the utensil to the principal, at which point Zach was suspended from school pending a school district hearing.

Now, if the story stopped here…not a huge deal, right?  Not so fast: Zach now has a date with a new school:

The School District committee recommended that he be alternatively placed at The Douglass School, a reform school for juvenile delinquents. This is the same school where they place children who have severe behavioral problems and who are guilty of such offenses as assault and battery, rape, drug offenses, concealing a deadly weapon, and more.

You have to be kidding me.  It’s a bit extreme to send him off to that school for 9 weeks, don’t you think?  I agree.  Well, if you’re so inclined, you can help Zach by signing a petition that will hopefully convince the Superintendent to change her mind and reverse Zach’s current course. You can sign the petition here.

As an FYI – the form asks for your home address; I just put my city and state.

This event has highlighted the ‘zero tolerance’ weapon policies followed by pretty much every school.  It sounds like this is currently being used by some school administrations as a scape-goat to issue ridiculous decisions such as the upcoming one for Zach.

Um….don’t you think teachers/principals would be able to better make case-by-case decisions than one broad, general rule?

At any rate, is anyone else thinking they may start home-schooling their children?  I hear there are some great groups being formed to allow home-schooled children to still participate in sports.


Filed under: Media/News


May 2024